Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lap Band Surgery Explained

Lap Band surgery (also known as obesity surgery, laparoscopic banding, bariatric surgery, gastric banding) has emerged as a safe and viable option, with over 180,000 of the procedures having been performed worldwide.

This surgery, for morbid obesity, as been around for over 50 years - starting with jejunoileal bypass (a malabsorptive procedure) in the 1950s, followed by gastric bypass (malabsorptive-restrictive procedure) in the 1960s, and over the last 10 years gastric banding has been performed using a laparoscopic technique.

The Lap Band is a restrictive procedure which is less invasive than normal surgery. During the procedure surgeons implant an inflatable silicone band into the patient's abdomen. The band is placed around the upper stomach, which takes away the appetite of the person and helps them overcome their struggle with hunger. The procedure is adjustable, reversible and does not involve any cutting of the stomach, stapling or gastric bypass.

By creating a smaller gastric pouch the Lap Band limits the amount of food that the stomach can hold at any time. The inflatable ring controls the flow of food from this smaller pouch to the rest of the digestive tract. The person will feel comfortably full with a small amount of food and will continue to feel full for several hours - reducing the urge to eat between meals.

As there is no cutting, stapling or stomach re-routing involved in with the Lap Band procedure, it is considered to be the least traumatic of all weight loss surgeries. The surgery also offers the advantages of reduced post-operative pain, shortened hospital stay and quicker recovery. If for any reason the Lap Band needs to be removed - it can be and the stomach usually returns to its original shape.

The Lap Band is an adjustable treatment - meaning that adjustments can be made after surgery - to suit individual requirements. The diameter of the band can be adjusted for individual weight-loss rates - as needs change. Should an individual become pregnant they could expand their band to accommodate a growing fetus, just as other individuals who are experiencing slow weight loss can have their bands tightened. This can be undertaken as an outpatient procedure by injection or withdrawal of saline.

Prior to undertaking Lap Band Surgery they would be a preoperative screening consisting of complete blood tests, imaging studies, a gastroscopy and consultations with various specialists.
The cost of Lap Band Surgery varies - depending on which state you live in - varying between $17,000–$30,000.

Gay Redmile is the webmaster of numerous health and well being sites. For further important information regarding Lap Band Surgery visit her site at: or one of her other sites at or

Lap Band Surgery Explained

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